13 Find-it
13.1 Knowledge Base
!1 To start and log on to View 1–1
!2 To select a site 1–3
!3 To search through long lists of Multi sites 1–3
!4 To display a site’s properties 1–4
!5 To obtain the latest site list 1–4
!6 To display the Information dialog 1–5
!7 To give the session pane more screen real estate 1–5
!8 To return the toolbar and status bar to the work area 1–5
!9 To start a live session at a site 2–1
!10 To select live video feeds from a site 2–2
!11 To move and size a tear-away player window 2–4
!12 To return a tear-away player to its session pane 2–4
!13 To move, size and tile camera windows 2–4
!14 To discard a video feed 2–4
!15 To reopen a closed camera window 2–4
!16 To toggle the size of a camera window/data window 2–6
!17 To change the video smoothing default 2–6
!18 To override the video smoothing default, on only one player 2–6
!19 To set the Video Quality on one camera 2–7
!20 To set the Video Quality on all cameras used in a player, for that live session 2–7
!21 To set the date and time on an operator’s PC 2–7
!22 To set the time reference on an operator’s PC 2–7
!23 To temporarily change a time reference 2–8
!24 To change a PC monitor’s Display Properties 2–9
!25 To change a PC monitor’s Refresh Rate 2–10
!26 To size a camera window optimally for a resolution 2–11
!27 To customize the size at which camera windows open 2–13