
Knowledge Base: Find-it
!63 To view video in a Retrieval session 5–12
!64 To return to a Motion Search from a Retrieval session 5–12
!65 To mask out a flashing monitor 5–13
!66 To turn motion highlighting on or off 5–15
!67 To adjust for false positives or false negatives 5–15
!68 To save the date, time, mask, motion options 5–16
!69 To reuse a date and time for a motion search 5–16
!70 To Save a motion Report as a text file 5–16
!71 To customize alarm options in View 6–2
!72 To receive and process alarms 6–4
!73 To retrieve video recorded at the time of an alarm 6–4
!74 To stop making a clip during an alarmed-live session 6–6
!75 To run an alarm session 6–6
!76 To acknowledge an alarm in an alarm session 6–7
!77 To acknowledge all alarms in a live-alarmed session 6–8
!78 To rearm an alarm in a live-alarmed session 6–8
!79 To rearm an alarm in an alarm session 6–8
!80 To view recorded video from the time of an alarm 6–9
!81 To view live video after receiving an alarm 6–9
!82 To switch to video from one alarm to another 6–10
!83 To use an output 6–10
!84 To control access at a site (in this doorbell example) 6–11
!85 To start a maintenance session 6–12
!86 To end a maintenance session 6–12
!87 To set an alarm on the events tab 6–13
!88 To set an alarm for a customer device 6–14
!89 To log an event 6–18
!90 To display the alarm log 6–19
!91 To input different times and dates 6–19
!92 To set the date using the calendar utility 6–19
!93 To find out about the earliest/latest alarm in the log 6–19
!94 To set the windows date 6–20
!95 To check if this pulse is enabled on a unit 6–21
!96 To make a clip from live video 7–2
!97 To make a clip from recorded video 7–2