Reading news feeds
Don’t get left behind with yesterday’s stories. Use the News app to subscribe to news
feeds that cover breaking news, sports, top blogs, and more. You can also get
updates based on specific keywords.
Subscribing to news channels
You need to be signed in to a Google Account before using the News app.
1. From the Home screen, tap > News.
2. Tap , and then tap Subscriptions > Add feeds.
3. Do one of the following:
§ Tap a category such as Blogs or Entertainment to choose from popular
news feeds.
§ Tap Search more to search for a specific keyword or feed URL.
4. After selecting the channel or channels to subscribe to, tap Add.
To manually update news stories on your channels, press
, and then tap Refresh.
Adding a keyword
Easily find stories that interest you by entering a search keyword.
1. From the Home screen, tap > News.
2. Tap , and then tap My items > Keywords > Add keywords.
3. Enter the keyword, and then tap Add. Your new keyword is displayed under the
Keywords list.
4. Tap the keyword to show the stories that contain that keyword.
Adding people to follow
Get updated with stories and comments shared by your Google contacts.
1. From the Home screen, tap > News.
2. Tap , and then tap People you follow > Add new friends.
3. Enter the name of a Google contact, and then tap .
4. Select your contact from the search results, and then tap Add. Your contact is
listed under People you follow.
To see stories and comments recently shared by a contact you're following, tap the
contact's name under People you follow.
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