Taking a photo
1. From the Home screen, tap > Camera.
2. Before taking the photo, you can zoom in or out first on your subject.
3. Tap the flash button repeatedly to choose a flash mode depending on your
lighting conditions.
Auto flash
Flash on
Flash off
4. Choose the resolution and other camera settings you want to use.
5. Choose an effect to apply to your photo.
6. Point the camera and focus on your subject.
If you're taking a photo of a group of people, the camera will automatically
recognize faces and adjust the focus. You'll see boxes on people's faces.
Make sure the Auto focus and Face detection check boxes are selected in the
camera settings.
7. When you're ready to take the photo, tap .
8. Choose what you want to do with the photo you’ve just taken.
Recording video
1. From the Home screen, tap > Camcorder.
2. Choose the video quality and other camera settings you want to use.
3. Choose an effect to apply to your video.
4. Frame your subject on the Viewfinder screen.
5. Tap the Viewfinder screen so you can zoom in or out first on your subject.
6. Tap to start recording.
70 Camera