Man Overboard (MOB) Navigation
As soon as you know that you have a man overboard (MOB), you should
activate MOB navigation to maximize the chances for a successful rescue. MOB
navigation allows you to create an MOB waypoint to locate the point at which
your man went overboard and the relation of the boat to that point.
Activate MOB navigation: Press and hold the GOTO key for more than 1.5
seconds to activate the Man Overboard (MOB) function.
When MOB is activated, a MOB waypoint is created at the boat's current
position, regardless of whether the chart cursor is active or not. The MOB
waypoint has a large, distinctive icon. Once MOB is activated, any current
navigation will be cancelled and the current route will be discarded without
user notification. MOB navigation will begin immediately, and the MOB View
will show the following:
• The view will switch to the Chart View, and the elapsed time since MOB
was activated will be displayed.
• A line will be drawn from the boat's current position to the MOB
waypoint, and the MOB waypoint will be targeted.
• The latitude/longitude position of the MOB waypoint will be displayed
in an additional information box.
Introduction to Navigation