Waypoint End/Time To Go/Distance to Go:
Waypoint End is the last waypoint on the route. Time To Go
is the estimated time required to reach the last waypoint on
the route. TTG is calculated using the SOG and DTG.
Distance To Go is the distance between the current position
of the boat and the last waypoint on the route.
Waypoint Next/Estimated Time of Arrival/Distance to Go:
Waypoint Next is the next waypoint on the route.
Estimated Time of Arrival is the estimated time of arrival
to the next waypoint on the route. Distance To Go is the
distance between the current position of the boat and the
next waypoint on the route.
Waypoint Next/Time To Go/Distance to Go:
Waypoint Next is the next waypoint on the route. Time To Go
is the estimated time required to reach the next waypoint on
the route. TTG is calculated using the SOG and DTG.
Distance To Go is the distance between the current position
of the boat and the next waypoint on the route.
Waypoint/Time To Go:
Waypoint/Time To Go is the estimated time to reach the
next waypoint on the route.
Cross Track Error:
Cross Track Error is the straight-line distance of the boat
from the intended Track. XTE measures how far the boat
is off course and also triggers the Off Course Alarm.
9 Data Windows, 7 Adjustable, Used by Standard Bird's Eye and Chart Views
Readouts 4 and 5 (con’t.)
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