© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 2-1
User’s guide
This User’s guide provides product and software descriptions, installation instruc-
tions, and user’s information for the Bluetooth
Software Suite. If you need basic
information on Bluetooth wireless technology, see the Installation guide on page 1-
1. Both the Installation guide and this User’s guide are included on the Bluetooth Soft-
ware Suite CD. These two documents are available from the Windows Start menu
when you have the Bluetooth Software Suite.
Product description
With the Bluetooth Software Suite, you can establish wireless links between your
computer and other Bluetooth wireless devices. Without using an inch of cable,
you can do the following:
• Transfer sound files, objects, and other files
• Access the Internet by means of dial-up networking
• Connect to local area networks
• Send fax messages, using the fax software on your computer
• Establish Bluetooth ad hoc networks consisting of two or more Bluetooth-
enabled devices
• Connect to serial devices (legacy applications)
The Bluetooth Neighborhood is an equivalent to the Microsoft
Network Neigh-
borhood. The Microsoft Network Neighborhood is an ordinary network, while
the Bluetooth Neighborhood is a wireless network of the Bluetooth devices within
The basic functions of the Bluetooth Neighborhood include three steps:
• Carrying out device discovery. For example: finding out which remote Blue-
tooth devices are available within your range
• Carrying out service discovery. For example: finding out which services
(applications) a remote device facilitates
• Establishing links to remote devices