Type 6584/6594 computers default to come up quiet
(No beep and no memory count and checkpoint code
display) when no errors are detected by POST.
To enable Beep and memory count and checkpoint
code display when a successful POST occurs:
1. Enable Power on Status in setup. See “Setup
Utility program” on page 41.
Error code format
This section provides an explanation of the encoded
non-SCSI and SCSI POST error codes.
Error messages are displayed on the screen as three, four,
five, eight, twelve, or thirteen digits. An “X” in an error
message can be any number or letter. The shorter POST
errors are highlighted in the Symptom-to-FRU Index.
Some digits will represent different information for SCSI
errors versus non-SCSI errors.
The following figure shows which digits display the shorter
POST errors. The figure also defines additional SCSI
Non-IBM device error codes and documentation
supersede this list.
Duplicate SCSI ID settings will cause misleading
error symptoms or messages.
│└┬┘│││││ │└┤└─ Test state
│ │ │││││ │ └── Error code Extension
│ │ │││││ └──── Qualifier
│ │ │││││
│ │ ││││└───── Bus (=internal 1=external)
│ │ │││└────── Capacity of the device
│ │ ││└─────── Slot number of the device
│ │ │└──────── LUN (usually )
│ │ └───────── PUN (SCSI ID #)
│ │
│ └─────────── Device Number
└───────────── Reserved Digit (usually )
PC 300 - 6584/6594