Replacing a system board
1. The BIOS and Vital Product Data (VPD) for the
computer you are servicing must be installed on
the new system board (FRU) after it is installed in
the computer. To do this, you must run the
Flash Update program using the Flash Update
diskette. See “BIOS levels” on page 53 “Vital
Product Data” on page 49, and “Flash
(BIOS/VPD) update procedure” on page 54.
2. Always ensure the latest level of BIOS is installed
on the computer. A down level BIOS may cause
false errors and unnecessary replacement of the
system board.
3. The processor is a separate FRU from the
system board and is not included with the system
board FRU. If you are instructed to replace the
system board, do the following.
4. Remove the processor from the old system board
and install it on the new system board.
5. Remove any of the following installed options on
the old system board, and install them on the
new system board.
Memory modules (RIMM and C-RIMM)
6. Ensure that the new system board jumper
settings match the old system board jumper
7. If the new system board does not correct the
problem, reinstall the options on the old system
board, reinstall the old system board, then
replace the processor.
Security features
Security features in this section include:
Vital Product Data
Management Information Format (MIF)
Alert on LAN2
The following provides information about computer
hardware and software-related passwords:
Power-on Password
Administrator Password
Operating System Password
Power-on and Administrator passwords are set in the
Setup Utility program. See “Setup Utility program” on
page 41 for information about running the Setup Utility.
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