130 Hardware Maintenance Manual: IBM PC Server/Enterprise Racks
Note: A NetBAY Console Cable Set is required for each server that you will connect
to a console switch, or for each console switch you will connect to another
console switch in a tiered configuration. Console cable sets are available in
different lengths, and are color-coded the same as the ports on the console
The 1x4 Console Switch allows you to connect up to four servers to a single monitor,
keyboard, and mouse. Port A is located on the rear of the console switch and is where
you connect the monitor, mouse, and keyboard. Ports 1 through 4 are where you
connect each of your servers.
The 2x8 Console Switch allows you to connect up to eight servers to a primary and
secondary monitor, mouse, and keyboard. Port A is located on the rear of the console
switch and is where you connect your primary monitor, mouse, and keyboard. Port B
is located on the front of the console switch and is where you connect your secondary
monitor, mouse, and keyboard. Ports 1 through 8 are where you connect each of your
1x4 Console Switch 2x8 Console Switch
Two vertical mounting brackets Two vertical mounting brackets
Miscellaneous hardware kit (for attaching
brackets and installing the console switch in
a rack cabinet)
Two horizontal mounting brackets, marked ’L’
and ’R’ (Left and Right)
One 1.8 m (6 ft) power cord Miscellaneous hardware kit (for attaching
brackets and installing the console switch in a
rack cabinet)
One 1.5 m (4.9 ft) IEC connector power cable One 1.8 m (6 ft) power cord
Apex User Guide CD One 1.5 m (4.9 ft) IEC connector power cable
IBM NetBAY Console Switch Installation
Instructions Manual
Apex User Guide CD
IBM NetBAY Console Switch Installation
Instructions Manual
Server monitor ports 1-4
Server keyboard
and mouse ports 1-4
Primary monitor
Primary keyboard
Primary mouse
Power connector
Power switch