IBM NetBAY console switch 131
You can connect multiple console switches to each other in a tiered configuration. If
you use a 1x4 Console Switch as the primary switch, you can connect up to four
additional console switches and 32 servers. If you use a 2x8 Console Switch as the
primary switch, you can connect up to eight console switches and 64 servers. The
user interface of the primary switch will control all of the console switches in the tier.
The NetBAY Console Cable Set is available separately to connect servers to your
console switch. The console cables are available in different lengths, and are color-
coded in the same manner as the ports on the console switch.
The locking keyboard and mouse connectors automatically lock when you connect
them to prevent accidental disconnection. To disconnect one of these cables, grasp the
color-coded housing on the connector; then, pull the housing away from the console
switch to unlock the connector and disconnect the cable.
Tool requirements
You will need the following tools to install the console switch:
Secondary monitor
Secondary keyboard
Secondary mouse
Server monitor ports 1-8
Server keyboard
and mouse ports 1-8
Primary monitor
Primary keyboard
Primary mouse
Power connector
Power switch