Administrator’s Guide and Operating Instructions
6.14 Password Setup
The Password Setup allows the administrator to set the new Login
names and Passwords for the Administrator, Supervisor and Operator.
The default (Login, Password) for the Administrator is (admin,
admin), the Supervisor (Supervisor, Supervisor), the Operator
(operator, operator).
After the Set Password menu item is selected, the Password Setup
dialog box will be shown on the screen.
Please click on Administrator, Supervisor or Operator in the list,
then click on the Login name, Password, or Confirm field, and then
enter the new names by using the mouse or the keyboard.
The following is a brief description for each item shown above.
List Box for Administrator/Supervisor/Operator – To select
Administrator, Supervisor or Operator. All the other fields
correspond to the highlighted selection. Click on the item to make
the selection.
Login – The Login name for Administrator/Supervisor/Operator.
Password – The Password for Administrator/Supervisor/Operator.
Confirm – To confirm the Password entered above.