
Administrator’s Guide and Operating Instructions
selected playback cameras will be played and displayed
on its corresponding video window.
– To pause the playback image.
Slider Bar – Showing the current playing position for image
playback. Click on it and drag the mouse to play the
video from anywhere in the selected range.
Note. 1 The best viewer’s environment is Internet Explorer 5.0 or above, 1024 x 768
If the PC is protected by the Firewall, please make sure Port 1600 is enabled
before accessed.
Note. 2 The Login Name and Password are the same as used in EDR1600,
the Administrator can operate all the functions on remote end, the Supervisor
can view the live video and playback image, and the Operator can only view
the live video.
Note 3 The remote end will not be able to view all the camera windows if there’s any
camera is set as 0 FPS for the normal recording rate; unless all the cameras are
set as 0 FPS.
10. Note For “2x/fps” and Some Limitations