Chapter 5. Running the Detector
This chapter describes how to run the Detector that runs in a CICS region looking
for instances of API commands that could cause transaction affinity.
This chapter describes how to perform the following functions:
v “Displaying the Detector control screen” on page 32
v “Starting the collection of affinity data” on page 33
v “Pausing the collection of affinity data” on page 34
v “Resuming the collection of affinity data” on page 34
v “Stopping the collection of affinity data” on page 35
v “Changing the Detector options” on page 36
v “Detector errors” on page 39
The commands looked for are those listed in “Commands detected by the
Transaction Affinities Utility” on page 11.
You can run the Detector either at a CICS 3270-type terminal (through interactive
screens or single-line commands), from a console, or from an application program.
This chapter primarily describes how to use the Detector through the interactive
screens at a CICS terminal, but also gives equivalent commands to use at a
terminal, at a console, or in an application program.
For an overview of the Detector, see “The Detector component” on page 12.
You can control the Detector by:
v Changing the state
This is described in topics “Starting the collection of affinity data” on page 33
through “Stopping the collection of affinity data” on page 35.
v Changing the options
The options that you can select are shown in Figure 7 on page 36, and described
in “Changing the Detector options” on page 36.
You can optimize the performance of the Detector; that is, you should consider
doing the following:
v Pausing the collection of data during peak workloads. You can continue the
collection of data when the workloads have decreased.
v Collecting data for one affinity type at a time. This can be of particular value for
the temporary storage affinity type.
v Collecting data for a restricted set of transaction identifiers by specifying the
prefix of those transactions in which you are interested.
For information about how to specify the affinity types and transaction identifier
prefix for which data is to be collected, see “Changing the Detector options” on
page 36.
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