PERMANENT. The PROTECT option determines whether SYSTEM or
PERMANENT would be used. However, the Detector always worsens LOGON
and SIGNON to SYSTEM or PERMANENT, because of limitations in the way that
this affinity is detected.
The affinity relation for DELAY and POST may be GLOBAL, BAPPL, LUNAME,
v Lifetime can be only SYSTEM, PROCESS, ACTIVITY, or PCONV. If the affinity
relation is LUNAME or USERID, the lifetime must be PCONV because neither
DELAY nor POST exist beyond task termination.
v If the transaction specified on a START or CANCEL command is defined as
remote, or a remote SYSID was specified on the command so that the command
is function shipped to a remote CICS region, no data is collected. (It is not
possible to function ship POST or DELAY commands.)
v A CANCEL affinity is considered to be initiated from a terminal if the START,
DELAY or POST is initiated from a terminal. Whether the CANCEL was so
initiated or not is irrelevant.
Scanner differences
: Scanner detects all instances of POST, all instances of DELAY
REQID, all instances of CANCEL REQID, and all instances of START that either
omit NOCHECK or specify REQID or specify TERMID (because of RETRIEVE
WAIT affinity).
SPI commands
v The commands included here are INQUIRE, SET, CREATE, DISCARD, ENABLE,
v CBTS BROWSE COMMANDS are treated as inquire COMMANDS.
v The affinity here is not an affinity between transactions, but rather an affinity with
the system on which the command was issued; that is, a transaction-system
affinity. Such affinities do not generate transaction affinity groups, because it does
not generally make sense to dynamically route such transactions.
v The use of these commands does require reporting, however, because the
system programmer should be aware of the transactions and programs that issue
such commands.
Scanner differences
: None.
WAIT commands
v The affinity here is really an inter-transaction affinity between the issuer of the
WAIT EVENT, WAIT EXTERNAL, or WAITCICS command, and one or more
posters. However, the poster of the ECB(s) associated with the WAIT command
cannot be detected, because this is not performed via the CICS API. Only half
the affinity can be detected.
v This means affinity transaction groups cannot be created, because the affinity
degenerates to an affinity with the system on which the WAIT command was
issued; that is, a transaction-system affinity.
v The use of WAIT commands does require reporting, however, because the
system programmer should be aware of the transactions and programs that issue
such commands, and should attempt to locate the posters and so create the
correct inter-transaction affinity groups.
Scanner differences
: None.
Appendix A. Details of what is detected 69