
9-192 PPC405 Core User’s Manual
Trap Word
twlle RA, RB Trap if (RA) logically less than or equal to (RB).
Extended mnemonic for
tw 6,RA,RB
twllt RA, RB Trap if (RA) logically less than (RB).
Extended mnemonic for
tw 2,RA,RB
twlng RA, RB Trap if (RA) logically not greater than (RB).
Extended mnemonic for
tw 6,RA,RB
twlnl RA, RB Trap if (RA) logically not less than (RB).
Extended mnemonic for
tw 5,RA,RB
twlt RA, RB Trap if (RA) less than (RB).
Extended mnemonic for
tw 16,RA,RB
twne RA, RB Trap if (RA) not equal to (RB).
Extended mnemonic for
tw 24,RA,RB
twng RA, RB Trap if (RA) not greater than (RB).
Extended mnemonic for
tw 20,RA,RB
twnl RA, RB Trap if (RA) not less than (RB).
Extended mnemonic for
tw 12,RA,RB
Table 9-34. Extended Mnemonics for tw (continued)
Mnemonic Operands Function
Other Registers