
X-14 PPC405 Core User’s Manual
listed, with page references 2-6
overview 2-5
privileged and non-privileged 2-5
privileged, instructions for reading 2-32
summary 1-9
sraw 9-153
sraw. 9-153
srawi 9-154
srawi. 9-154
SRR0 10-42
SRR0-1 (Save/Restore Registers 0-1)
illustrated 5-9
SRR1 10-43
SRR2 10-44
SRR3 10-45
srw 9-155
srw. 9-155
srwi 9-149
srwi. 9-149
stb 9-156
stbu 9-157
stbux 9-158
stbx 9-159
sth 9-160
sthbrx 9-161
sthu 9-162
sthux 9-163
sthx 9-164
stmw 9-165
storage attribute control registers
DCCR 7-20
DCWR 7-19
ICCR 7-20
SGR 7-20
SLER 7-20
SU0R 7-20
storage attributes
caching inhibited (I)
real mode 7-20
virtual mode 7-5
endian (E)
and little endian 2-19
real mode 7-20
when controlled by TLB 7-6
guarded (G)
controlling speculative accesses 2-27
real mode 7-20
virtual mode 7-6
memory coherent (M)
not supported 7-6
overview 2-2
real mode 7-17
TLB control of 7-5
user-defined (U0)
real mode 7-20
virtual mode 7-6
virtual mode 7-5
write-through (W)
real mode 7-19
virtual mode 7-5
Storage Guarded Register.
Storage Guarded Register.
Storage Little Endian Register.
storage reference instructions 2-37
storage regions
big endian
alignment 2-17
byte-reverse instructions 2-21
- 2-22
little endian
accessing data from 2-21
alignment 2-17
byte reversal 2-21
byte-reverse instructions 2-21
- 2-23
data alignment 2-21
fetching instructions from 2-20
storage synchronization 2-35
Storage User-Defined 0 Register.
string instructions
access protection 7-17
structure mapping
examples 2-18
stswi 9-166
stswx 9-167
stw 9-169
stwbrx 9-170
stwcx. 9-171
stwu 9-173
stwux 9-174
stwx 9-175
SU0R 10-46
SU0R (Storage User-Defined 0 Register)
controlling the user-defined (U0) storage attribute
sub 9-176
sub. 9-176
subc 9-177
subc. 9-177
subco 9-177
subco. 9-177
subf 9-176
subf. 9-176
subfc 9-177
subfc. 9-177
subfco 9-177
subfco. 9-177
subfe 9-178
subfe. 9-178
subfeo 9-178
subfeo. 9-178
subfic 9-179
subfme 9-180
subfme. 9-180
subfmeo 9-180
subfmeo. 9-180
subfo 9-176
subfo. 9-176
subfze 9-181
subfze. 9-181
subfzeo 9-181
subfzeo. 9-181
subi 9-9
subic 9-10