Appendix A Watchdog Timer 97
What the decoded address of the W83977 ?
The decoded address of the W83977 is 3F0h.
How to enter or exit the configuration mode ?
In order to enter the configuration mode, you must write the
value 87h to the configuration port 3F1h 2 times
In order to exit the configuration mode, you must write the
value AAh to the configuration port 3F1h.
How to enable or disable the Watchdog Timer
In order to enable the Watchdog Timer, you must write the
value 01h to the register 30 (CR30) of the Logic Device
In order to disable the Watchdog Timer, you must write the
value 00h to the register 30 (CR30) of the Logic Device
How to set time-out value ?
In order to set time-out value, you must write a value which
is between 01h and FFh
to the register F2 (CRF2) of the Logic Device 8.
For example,
01h : Time-out occurs after 32 seconds (16 seconds for the