SBC-658 User Manual
Windows® NT 3.51
These drivers are designed to work with Microsoft
Driver installation
1. Install Windows
NT 3.51 as you normally would for a VGA
display. Click the Star buttom, go to Settings and click on Control
Panel icon. Then choose the Display and double click on the icon.
In the Display Properties window, click the Setting buttom, then
click the Display Type buttom into the Display Type windows, then
click on Change buttom from the Adapter Type icon. And click on
Have Disk buttom in the change display window.
2. Place the Supporting CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
and type:
cd-rom: \CD ROM\model name\drive\vga drive\
win98 nt\windows.nt\nt35\Oemsetup.inf
"cd-rom:": the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive
"model name": the model number of your product
Select the adapter "Chips and Tech 69000PCI" and click OK.
Click on Install to install the selected driver. Once the installation is
complete, shut down and restart the system.