Introduction 19
Océ TDS800 components
The Océ TDS800 is available as a digital network printer, or as a full
combination with a scanner which can print, copy or scan to file. The Océ
TDS800 consists of the following components (see Figure 1 on page 14):
■ Printer
■ Scanner
■ Océ Power Logic® Controller
These components, in combination with your network, Océ Print Exec
Workgroup and one or more drivers (Windows
® driver, AutoCAD® HDI or
®), allow you to use the Océ TDS800 as your default enterprise print
and copy solution.
See the Connectivity Manual for more details about network settings for the
Océ TDS800 printer. You find more information about installing, configuring
and using drivers in the documentation provided with the drivers.
Note: All drivers for the Océ TDS800 can be freely downloaded from the World
Wide Web at www.oce.com.
Océ TDS800 printer
The Océ TDS800 printer has the ability to contain six rolls of media. In
standard configuration the printer delivers your jobs on the output delivery
The Océ TDS800 printer has the following optionals:
■ a folder to fold the output.
■ a reinforcement unit to add a reinforcement strip.
■ a punch unit to make holes on one edge.
■ one or two belts to deliver folded output nicely stacked for a longer period of
time (useful for unattended printing).