48 Océ TDS800 User Manual
Section, Function and Arrow keys
Apart from the above mentioned keys, the operator panel of the Océ TDS800
scanner contains a number of other keys. These include:
■ Section keys
■ Function keys
■ ‘Arrow’ keys.
The Section keys are the four keys located above the display. These keys
provide access to the ‘Custom’, ‘Original’ and ‘Copy’ sections on the display.
Each section contains several function cards. These can be accessed with the
help of the left most Function key.
The five “Function’ keys below the display allow you to select functions or
subfunctions within a card.
Finally, the ‘Arrow’ keys can be used, like the Numeric keys, to define numeric
settings. The ‘Arrow’ keys can be used to increase or decrease the active value
by 1; the left ‘Arrow’ and right ‘Arrow’ keys can be used to increase or
decrease the active value by 10. Exception to this rule is the selection of zoom
values. Here, the left ‘Arrow’ key can be used to browse through the predefined
reduction steps and the right ‘Arrow’ key to browse through the predefined
enlargement steps.
The ‘Arrow’ keys are also used for selecting subfunctions.