iVIEW-100 Series user’s Manual, 2006, v2.0 ----- 176
x :range 0-15 (0 is left most,15 is right most.)
y :range 0-7 (0 is upper most,7 is lower most.)
ALl function name end with '0'(for example:"LcdPutch0"), will process '\r' & '\n'.
for '\r' just move the cursor to left most.
for '\n' just move the cursor to next line,if the cursor on the last line,
it will croll the screen up one line.
LcdPutch1() will show the character, but does not move the cursor to the next position.
/* [11/06/2003] add Software flow control(Xon/Xoff) for COM1/2
void SetXonXoffControlMode_1(int mode);
void SetXonXoffControlMode_2(int mode);
mode=0 --> disable Xon/Xoff control
mode=1 --> enable Xon/Xoff control
Add function for debug, using STDIO COM PORT.
Even after all InstallCom_1() also can use these 3 functions to send message to STDIO COM port.
void pascal _dPutch(int data1);
void _dPuts(char *str);
int _dPrint(char *fmt,...);
Add function for read system timeticks.
long GetTimeTicks(void);
long GetTimeTicks_ISR(void); /* use this one in ISR */
The return value is *TimeTicks.