
iVIEW-100 Series user’s Manual, 2006, v2.0 ----- 62
Alt_E For downloading files into memory. Only after the message
“Press ALT_E to download file!” is shown on screen, users
can press Alt_E.
Alt_H Toggles Hex/ASCII display mode.
Alt_L Toggles normal/line mode. In line-mode, all characters-
pressed will not send to COM until the ENTER is pressed. It
is designed for testing the 7000 series.
Alt_X Quits the 7188X.EXE.
F2 Sets the file name for download (without download
F5 Runs the program specified by F2 and arguments set by F6.
Alt_F5 Runs the program stored in SRAM.
F6 Sets the arguments of the execution file set by F2. (10
arguments maximum. If set to less than 10 arguments, add
‘*’ to end).
Ctrl_F6 Clears screen.
F8 F8=F9+F5.
F9 Downloads the file specified by F2 into FLASH memory.
Alt_F9 Downloads all files specified by ALT_F2 into FLASH
F10 Downloads the file specified by F2 into SRAM and execute
Alt_F10 Downloads the file specified by F2 into SRAM memory.
Ctrl_B Sends a BREAK signal to the PC’s COM port that is used
by 7188xw.exe.
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