IRN37 - 160K - CC & IRN50 - 200H -CC & IRN75 - 160K - 2S & IRN100 - 200H - 2S & IRN 250 - 300H - 2S
Start sequence
The compressor will initially start by the operator pressing the
local start button or receiving a remote start command. The
compressor will start loaded and will ramp up the motor speed to
its minimum speed. Once the minimum speed has been achieved,
the compressor will begin to control pressure by using its speed
regulation. When the system pressure reaches the target pressure,
the compressor will start to slow. If the system pressure rises to
the immediate stop pressure setpoint the compressor will stop.
If the system pressure rises to the auto stop setpoint and the
compressor is at minimum speed, if the blowdown mode is set to
off, the compressor will stop. However if the blowdown mode is set
to on, the compressor will open the blowdown valve for up to 10
seconds or until the pressure in the separator tank falls to 2.4 Bar (35
psi) before stopping. The compressor will restart once the system
pressure falls below the target pressure.
Stop sequence
The compressor can be stopped by a local or remote stop, a
shutdown due to an alarm or an emergency stop. All of the above
conditions will cause the compressor to stop immediately, except
the local or remote stop. A local or remote stop will open the
blowdown valve and the compressor will run for up to 10 seconds
or until the pressure in the separator tank falls to 35 psi before
stopping. The compressor will stop if the system pressure reaches
the automatic stop or immediate stop pressure setpoints. However,
if the compressor stops for this reason, it will automatically restart
when the system pressure falls below the target pressure.
The N250/300H − 2S compressor will operate for 30 seconds with
the blowdown valve open and at reduced speed before stopping.
This sequence occurs for local or remote stops and when the
system pressure reaches the automatic or immediate stop pressure
setpoints. The compressor will automatically restart when the
system pressure falls below the target pressure.
Important: Depress the emergency stop button when the
compressor must be stopped immediately.
Blowdown mode
All 2 stage compressors will blowdown when compressor is signaled
to stop. Intellisys indicates that Blowdown Mode is ”not installed”.
If the blowdown mode is set to on, the compressor will open the
blowdown valve anytime that it stops. This will release pressure
from the airend and separator tank. If the blowdown mode is set to
off, the blowdown valve will remain closed when the compressor
stops due to an automatic stop
Blower control N37/160K−1S, N50/200H−1S &
N75/160−2S, N100/200H−2S
Fan control N250/300H−2S
The blower speed varies in some conditions to assist in controlling
the coolant injection temperature. The blower motor has its own
variable speed drive and will ramp up and down as the compressor
starts and stops.
Stopping the machine in an emergency
If the machine has to be stopped in an emergency DEPRESS
This will over−ride the normal unload/stop button and will
immediately stop the machine.
Restarting after an emergency
If the unit has been switched off because of a machine malfunction,
identify and correct the fault before attempting to restart.
If the unit has been switched off for reasons of safety, ensure that
the machine can be operated safely before restarting.
Refer to the PRIOR TO STARTING and START SEQUENCE instructions
earlier in this section before restarting the machine.