IRN37 - 160K - CC & IRN50 - 200H -CC & IRN75 - 160K - 2S & IRN100 - 200H - 2S & IRN 250 - 300H - 2S
Compressor will not meet
pressure required by system
Compressor not sized to
meet system requirements or
requirements have been changed.
Contact your local IR representative
Air loss due to pipe, hose, joint or
seal failure
Overhaul or replace
Air loss due to blowdown valve stuck
Overhaul or replace
Air loss through pressure relief valve
not seating or set incorrectly
Overhaul or replace
Air loss due to moisture separator
drain trap stuck open
Overhaul or replace
Motor speed too low caused by drive
incorrectly set
Contact your local IR representative
Motor speed too low caused by fault
in drive settings
See section on drive faults
Intellysis controller fault Overhaul or replace
Drive motor fault See section on drive faults
Pressure transducer faulty,
incorrectly calibrated or EMF
Recalibrate or replace
Incorrect Intellisys controller settings Check and modify settings
Inlet grill or ducting is blocked Check and clean
Air filter dirty or collapsed Replace
Inlet valve not opening fully Overhaul or replace
Separator element dirty or collapsed Replace
Pipe / Hoses blocked or collapsed Clean or replace
Cooler core blocked Clean or replace
Minimum pressure check valve not
functioning correctly
Overhaul or replace
Equipment between compressor
and customer measuring point
causing pressure drop / pressure loss
Review system requirements