IP Media Server (Global Call) Demo Guide — November 2003 17
Preparing to Run the Demo
# If capability is g711Alaw /Mulaw ==> FramesPerPkt = 10,20,30.
# G711 frame per packet defines the packet size in
# milliseconds
# If capability is g723_5_3k / 6_3k ==> FramesPerPkt = 1, 2, 3 .
# FrameSize isn't needed, default= 30ms.
# If capability is gsm ==> FramesPerPkt = 1, 2, 3 .
# FrameSize isn't needed, default= 20ms.
# If capability is gsmEFR ==> FramesPerPkt = 1, 2, 3 .
# FrameSize isn't needed, default= 20ms.
# If capability is g729a ==> FramesPerPkt = 3, 4 .
# FrameSize isn't needed, default= 10ms.
# VAD disable, the VAD parameter is ignored
# If capability is g729ab ==>FramesPerPkt = 3, 4 .
# FrameSize isn't needed, default= 10ms.
# VAD enable, the VAD parameter is ignored
ipProtocolName = H323
DTMFmode = inBand
Channel = 1-120
TxType = g711Mulaw
TxFramesPerPkt = 30
TxVAD = 0
RxType = g711Mulaw
RxFramesPerPkt = 30
RxVAD = 0
Threshold = 20 # Threshold value
DebounceOn = 10000 # Threshold debounce ON
DebounceOff = 10000 # Threshold debounce OFF
Interval = 1000 # Threshold Time Interval (ms)
PercentSuccess = 60 # Threshold Success Percent
PercentFail = 40 # Threshold Fail Percent
Threshold = 60 # Threshold value
DebounceOn = 20000 # Threshold debounce ON
DebounceOff = 60000 # Threshold debounce OFF
Interval = 5000 # Threshold Time Interval (ms)
PercentSuccess = 60 # Threshold Success Percent
PercentFail = 40 # Threshold Fail Percent
# MediaAlarmResetAlarmState = 0
3.2 Compiling and Linking
Compile the project within the following environments:
• Microsoft Visual Studio® 6.0 with Service Pack 5
If you have added or changed files, to compile the project put the files in C:\Program