26 IP Media Server (Global Call) Demo Guide — November 2003
Demo Details
IPMediaServer\Release errorInput.vox Voice file
IPMediaServer\Release IPMediaServer.cfg Demo configuration file
IPMediaServer\Release IPMediaServer.exe Demo executable
IPMediaServer\Release listenMenu.vox Voice file
IPMediaServer\Release mainMenu.vox Voice file
IPMediaServer\Release savecCnfirm.vox Voice file
IPMediaServer\Release sendfaxMenu.vox Voice file
IPMediaServer\Release sendMsg.vox Voice file
IPMediaServer\Release startRec.vox Voice file
IPMediaServer\Release stopListen.vox Voice file
IPMediaServer\Release stopRec.vox Voice file
IPMediaServer\Release thankYou.vox Voice file
IPMediaServer\Release unavCsp.vox Voice file
IPMediaServer\Release unavFax.vox Voice file
IPMediaServer\Release unavMenu.vox Voice file
IPMediaServer\Release voicemailMenu.vox Voice file
Modules\common Defines.h Definitions and structures for the demo
Modules\common Interfaces.h Interfaces used in the demo
Modules\common Parameters.h Parameters used in the demo
Modules\IPModule CIPDevice.cpp Implements the operations of the CIPDevice class
Modules\IPModule CIPDevice.h Function prototype for cipdevice.cpp
Modules\IPModule CIPMBoard.cpp Implements the operations of the CIPMBoard class
Modules\IPModule CIPMBoard.h Function prototype for cipmboard.cpp
Modules\IPModule CIPModule.cpp Implements the operations of the CIPModule class
Modules\IPModule CIPModule.h Function prototype for cipmodule.cpp
Modules\IPModule CIPStateMachine.cpp Implements the operations of the CIPStateMachine
Modules\IPModule CIPStateMachine.h Function prototype for cipstatemachine.cpp
Modules\IPModule CIPTBoard.cpp Implements the operations of the CIPTBoard class
Modules\IPModule CIPTBoard.h Function prototype for ciptboard.cpp
Modules\IPModule CMediaAlarms.cpp Implements the operations of the CMediaAlarms
Modules\IPModule CMediaAlarms.h Function prototype for cmediaalarms.cpp
Modules\IPModule IPModule.dsp Visual C++ project file
IPModule.lib Compiled IP Module library
Table 3. Files Used by the IP Media Server (Global Call) Demo (Continued)
Directory File Name Purpose