User's Guide Fireface 800 © RME
22. Configuring the Fireface
22.1 Settings Dialog - General
Configuring the Fireface is done via its own settings dialog. The panel 'Settings' can be opened
by clicking on the fire icon in the dock. The mixer of the Fireface (TotalMix) can be opened by
clicking on the mixer icon in the dock.
The Fireface’s hardware offers a number of helpful, well thought-of practical functions and op-
tions which affect how the card operates - it can be configured to suit many different require-
ments. The following is available in the 'Settings' dialog:
• Input selection
• Level of analog I/Os
• Configuration of digital I/Os
• Synchronization behaviour
• State of input and output
• Current sample rate
Any changes performed in the Settings
dialog are applied immediately - con-
firmation (e.g. by exiting the dialog) is
not required. However, settings should
not be changed during playback or
record if it can be avoided, as this can
cause unwanted noises.
The status displays at the bottom of
the dialog box give the user precise
information about the current status of
the system, and the status of all digital
signals. SyncCheck indicates whether
there is a valid signal (Lock, No Lock)
for each input (Word Clock, ADAT1,
ADAT2, SPDIF), or if there is a valid
and synchronous signal (Sync). The
AutoSync Ref display shows the input
and frequency of the current sync
The string Errors is displayed only when transmission errors of PCI/FireWire are detected. The
display will be reset on any start of a playback/record, i.e. set to zero and is thus no longer visi-
ble. More information can be found in chapter 37.3.