
User's Guide Fireface 800 © RME
31.9 The Monitor Panel
The Monitor panel provides several options usually found on analog mixing desks. It offers
quick access to monitoring functions which are needed all the time in typical studio work.
Monitor Main
Use the drop down menu to select the hardware outputs where your main monitors are con-
nected to.
A click on this button will lower the volume of your main monitor output (see
above) by an amount set up in the Preferences dialog (see below). This is the
same as moving the third row faders down a bit, but much more convenient, as
the old setting is back by a simple mouse click.
Sets the stereo output defined above to monaural playback. Useful to check for
mono compatibility and phase problems.
A click on this button will dim the Main Monitor output (see above) by an amount
set up in the Preferences dialog. At the same time the control room's microphone
signal (source defined in Preferences) is sent to the three destinations described
below as Monitor Phones. The mic level is adjusted with the channel's input
Monitor Phones 1/2/3
Use the drop down menu to select the hardware outputs where the submixes are sent to. These
submixes are usually phones mixdowns for the musicians. A click on the button allows to hear
the specific submix via the Main Monitor outputs. So when setting up or modifying the submix
for the musician this process can be monitored easily and any time. Or in other words: you can
easily check other hardware outputs/submixes by using the Monitor Phones function, without
the need to copy/paste routings back and forth, or to reconfigure the cabling at the hardware.
31.10 Preferences
The dialog box Preferences is available via the menu
Options or directly via F3.
Input: Select the input channel of the Talkback signal
(microphone in control room).
Dim: Amount of attenuation of the Monitor Main output
in dB.
Input: Select the input channel of the Listenback sig-
nal (microphone in recording room).
Dim: Amount of attenuation of the Monitor Phones
outputs in dB.
: The Mute button of the Talkback and Listenback
channel is still active. Therefore it is not necessary to
select <NONE>, in case one of both shall be deacti-
MIDI Controller, Full LC Display Support
See chapter 34.4 for details.