Below is a sample list of common TCP/IP service ports that can be entered in
the host configuration of GUESTGATE to block access to certain services.
Port Number Service Name / Description
21 FTP
22 SSH (Secure Shell)
23 Telnet
25 SMTP (Outgoing Mail, Sendmail Server Port)
69 TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)
70 Gopher
79 Finger
80 HTTP (Standard Web Port for Web Sites)
110 POP3 (Incoming Mail)
115 SFTP (Simple File Transfer Protocol)
119 NNTP (Newsgroups)
123 NTP (Network Time Protocol)
135 RPC service, used for NET SEND command
137, 138, 139 NETBIOS (Filesharing, MS Windows Network)
143 IMAP (Interim Mail Access Protocol)
161 SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
194, 6665-6669 IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
443 HTTS (Secure Web Transfer, used by SSL)
515 LPR (Line Printer Remote), LPD (Line Printer Daemon)
631 IPP (Internet Printing Protocol)
1080, 3127, 3128, 10080 Trojan: Used by MyDoom
1723 PPTP (used for VPN Connections)
1863 MSN Messenger
2535, 2745, 8866 Trojan: Used by Beagle
3389 Windows XP Remote Desktop Port
3410 Trojan: OptixPro, also used by NetworkLens SSL Event
3689 iTUNES by Apple, DAAP
4899 RADMIN, Remote Control
5000, 5001 YAHOO Messenger Voice Chat
5100 YAHOO Messenger Video (Webcam)
5190, 5191, 5192, 5193 AOL (America On Line via TCP)
5554 Trojan: Sasser Family, also used for SGI ESP HTTP.
5800+, 5900+ VNC
12345 Trojan: Used by Netbus, Italk Chat System and TrendMicro
OfficeScan antivirus
27374 Trojan: Used by SubSeven