available for guest connections (guest ports). The guest ports can be connected
to hubs, switches, wireless access points, PCs or notebooks.
Host Ports
By default, GUESTGATE obtains an IP address from a DHCP server already
present in the network. GUESTGATE analyzes the network and obtains all
information necessary for Internet access. The DHCP server log reveals the
host IP address of GUESTGATE.
In the event that no DHCP server is present, GUESTGATE reverts to its default IP
address: In this case, a manual configuration of the host IP
settings is necessary.
Guest Ports
GUESTGATE assigns IP addresses to the connected guest computers. IP PnP
technology ensures that no configuration on the guest computer is necessary.
The default DHCP IP address range is 172.16.xxx. Changing the guest IP
settings is possible via the Web administration interface.
Guest Ports with Virtual VLAN Enabled
If Virtual VLAN is enabled, GUESTGATE assigns a different IP network (subnet)
to each connected guest computer. Since this assignment is random, it makes it
virtually impossible for a hacker to guess the other guest computer’s IP settings
to try to gain access. Virtual VLAN is enabled by default. It can be disabled in
the guest configuration screen of the administrator Web interface. The option is
“separate network for each client (automatic).”
Accessing the Administrator Web Interface
The configuration of GUESTGATE is entirely Web based. Any standard Web
browser is supported. For security reasons, GUESTGATE can only be
configured from the host port. GUESTGATE rejects all connection attempts
which originated from the guest side.
Internet Access for Guests and Welcome Page
When a guest computer tries to access the Internet for the first time, a welcome
page is shown in the Web browser. This welcome page can be configured
and altered in the administrator Web interface. Guests have to accept the
terms and conditions in order to access the Internet. If the guest password
option is enabled, a password must be provided by the guest to gain Internet
access. This authorization procedure is only required once. GUESTGATE
memorizes all authorized guest computers until GUESTGATE is restarted. After
a restart of GUESTGATE, guests again will be shown the welcome page.