
This value lets you control the sharpness of the image. Lower values generate a smoother
image; higher values generate a crisper image. Values of "4" and "5" give you good results in
Exposure Mode
This controls the exposure mode of the camera. The exposure mode has a very direct impact
on the brightness of the image. It is recommended to leave this value set to "Auto."
When you activate the manual mode, you need to specify the exposure mode value in the
Exposure field.
Back Light
Backlight compensation (BLC) is video gain done either manually or automatically to correct the
exposure of subjects that are in front of a bright light source. See the example below:
BLC = off BLC = on
Further Reduce Exposure Time
When enabled, this option reduces the maximum exposure time from 1/20 sec. to 1/100 sec.
Under normal daylight conditions, this option should be enabled.
Indoor / Outdoor
This setting adjusts a variety of image parameters to optimize the settings for either indoor or
outdoor use. To determine which setting to choose, consider what the camera views, not where
it's located. For example: A camera mounted indoors looking out of a window should be set to
the "outdoor" value.
Light Frequency
There are two values to choose from here, and both values are important only if the camera
captures artificial (electronic) light. If the camera is installed outside, or points outside and only
captures natural sunlight, this value is irrelevant. In all other installations, this value should be
set in accordance with the power grid frequency in your country.
If you live in a country which uses PAL, you will need to select 50 Hz.
If you live in a country which uses NTSC, you will need to select 60 Hz.
Refer to Page 4.
Failing to set the light frequency to a correct value can lead to an unwanted negative image
quality, though it does not cause any harm to the camera.