
9. What does the FTP Rename option in the Event Trigger Configuration do?
The FTP Rename option should be activated whenever the camera uploads the same image
(same image name) to the FTP server. Typically this is an application where the camera
uploads still images to your Web site every xx seconds and you display the image on your Web
Without the Rename option enabled, the following will happen:
The FTP upload process consists of different steps.
1. Login
2. Delete existing file
3. Upload new file
4. Logout
The entire process can easily take several seconds, depending on the camera's Internet
connection speed as well as the image size.
The important thing here is that the existing image first is being deleted, then the new image is
being uploaded. If a user accesses your Web site at the very moment the image is deleted or is
being uploaded, the image on the Web site will either not show up at all or will only show
With the Rename Option enabled, this does not happen. The image will always show up
correctly. Here is why:
Instead of deleting the existing image first, the camera uploads the new image using a different
file name.
Image name: camera.jpg
Image name of file the camera uploads: camera_tmp.jpg
This way, the current image will still show up for Web users even if the camera already uploads
a new image. Once the upload of the new image is completed, the camera instructs the FTP
server to delete the existing image and rename the new image to the old image. Since this is
done on the server itself, this takes only a fraction of a second. Thus, the image on your Web
page will always show up correctly.
In short:
You should activate the Rename option, if the Network IP Camera refreshes an existing image
on the FTP server which can be seen on a Web site.
You do not need to activate the Rename option, if the Network IP Camera uploads a series of
images with changing file names (e.g., with the date and time included in the file name).
10. Why won’t the ActiveX control automatically download?
Situations occasionally arise which prohibit this from happening. If Internet Explorer is an earlier
version than 4.0, or if the registry information of the system is corrupted, the automatic
download and installation may fail. If problems occur with automatic download, try a manual
download. (See Installation of ActiveX in 4.3.)