
Network SupportChapter —4
174 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
2 Perform a cold-boot on your 760 Computer, then go through the nor-
mal Pocket PC set-up (i.e. Align Screen etc.).
3 Important! Set the Date and Time.
4 Tap the Sprint_Watcher_PPC_2002-03xxx.CAB file to perform the
5 Perform a warm-boot on your 760 Computer to load the CAB file.
6 From the Today screen, tap the LAN Network icon in the System Tr ay
(circled in the following illustration).
7 In the NDISTRAY pop-up menu (the Network Driver Interface Speci-
fication tray application), select No Networking and Auto FTP Off.
Tap anywhere on the screen to close the menu.
8 Tap Start > Programs >theWatcher icon to launch the SB555 Watch-
er program.