
ProgrammingChapter 7
233700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual
This section, a Windows CE-specific section under the [DefaultInstall]
section, is optional and describes the shortcuts that the installation applica-
tion creates on the device. Within the [DefaultInstall] section, a reference
may have been made to this section, such as “ShortCuts.All”. This section
defines the options for that setting.
Required? No
S shortcut_list_section: shortcut_filename
String that identifies the shortcut name. It does not require the .LNK
S shortcut_list_section: shortcut_type_flag
Numeric value. Zero or empty represents a shortcut to a file; any non-
zero numeric value represents a shortcut to a folder.
S shortcut_list_section: target_file_path
String value that specifies the destination location. Use the target file
name for a file, such as MyApp.exe, that must be defined in a file copy
list. For a path, use a file_list_section name defined in the [Destination-
Dirs] section, such as DefaultDestDir,orthe%InstallDir% string.
S shortcut_list_section: standard_destination_path
Optional string value. A standard %CEx% path or %InstallDir%.Ifno
value is specified, the shortcut_list_section name of the current section or
the DefaultDestDir value from the [DestinationDirs] section is used.
CEShortcuts = Shortcuts.All
Sample App,0,sample.exe ; Uses the path in DestinationDirs. Sample
App,0,sample.exe,%InstallDir% ; The path is explicitly specified.
Sample .INF File
[Version] ; Required section
Signature = “$Windows NT$”
Provider = “Intermec Technologies Corporation”
CESignature = “$Windows CE$”
;ProcessorType =
[DefaultInstall] ; Required section
CopyFiles = Files.App, Files.Fonts, Files.BitMaps, Files.Intl,
Files.TelecomNcsCE, Files.Windows, Files.Import, Files.Export, Files.Work,
Files.Database, Files.WinCE AddReg = RegSettings.All ;CEShortcuts =
[SourceDisksNames] ; Required section
1 = ,“App files” ,,c:\appsoft\...
2 = ,”Font files” ,,c:\WinNT\Fonts
3 = ,”CE Tools” ,,c:\windows ce tools\wce400\700ie\mfc\lib\x86
[SourceDisksFiles] ; Required section
rpm.exe = 1,C:\Appsoft\program\wce400\WCEX86Rel700
wcestart.ini = 1