System Features
CS-5200/5400 ADMINISTRATOR GUIDE, ISSUE 1.1 – August 2005
Page 210 Agent Help
If the Agent Help feature code is assigned to an Inter-Tel endpoint feature button with a lamp,
the lamp status shows the following:
• The lamp flashes when the Agent Help Extension is being called.
• The lamp goes off if the Agent Help request is rejected or the feature is terminated.
• The lamp is lit solidly when the Agent Help Extension is in the conference.
When the requesting user hangs up, all parties are automatically disconnected. The Agent Help
Extension can leave the call at any time, without affecting the other parties, by hanging up. If
the other party (or parties) hangs up first, the requesting station and the Agent Help Extension
remain connected in an intercom call. The requesting station can cancel the request (or remove
the Agent Help Extension from the call) by re-entering the Agent Help feature code, thereby
terminating the feature.
If necessary, the requesting endpoint in an Agent Help call can use the Hold, Transfer, Record-
A-Call, or other features during the call, while the Agent Help Extension is connected. How-
ever, if any inside party has enhanced speakerphones enabled, the enhanced mode will be dis-
abled when the Agent Help conference begins and must be re-enabled if still desired.
The Agent Help feature will not function in the following cases:
• If the feature is not enabled in Premium Features, any user attempting to enter the
Agent Help feature code will hear reorder tones and, if at a display endpoint, see a
• The Agent Help Extension cannot be in Do-Not-Disturb mode or have call forwarding
enabled. If so, the requesting user will hear reorder tones after entering the Agent Help
feature code or entering the desired extension number. The Agent Help request will not
follow the forward or any programmed system forwarding.
• If the user who enters the Agent Help feature code is on a four-party conference call,
the system will send reorder tones to signal that the Agent Help Extension cannot be
added. There can be a maximum of four parties in a conference; attempting to add the
Agent Help Extension would exceed the maximum.
• If there are no conference circuits available when the user enters the Agent Help feature
code, the user will hear reorder tones and must try again later when circuits are avail-
If the call is being monitored by a hunt group supervisor, the monitoring feature is terminated
when the Agent Help Extension joins the call; an Agent Help conference call cannot be moni-
• To use the Agent Help feature with an Inter-Tel endpoint:
While on a call, press the Special button and then enter the Agent Help feature code
(375). Users of Executive and Professional Display phones and Model 8560 phones
can press the AGENT HELP menu button.
a. If you hear reorder tone, the Agent Help feature is not available at your station,
you already have four parties in your call, no conference circuit is currently avail-
able, or the Agent Help Extension is in Do-Not-Disturb.
b. Depending on programming, you may be prompted to enter an extension number.
If so, enter the extension number of the station you want to call for help. If you do
not enter a valid extension number, you hear reorder tones and must start over.
The display shows REQUESTING AGENT HELP.
c. If the Agent Help Extension accepts the call, you will hear the Agent Help tone,
if enabled. Display endpoints show AGENT HELP IN PROGRESS. When the
Agent Help Extension hangs up, your display shows AGENT HELP TERMI-