Page 344
Voice Processing Prompts
CS-5200/5400 ADMINISTRATOR GUIDE, ISSUE 1.1 – August 2005
653 ...faxes... N/A
654 This message is marked... N/A
655 ...flagged... N/A
656 ...saved... N/A
657 ...answered... N/A
658 ...recent... N/A
659 ...deleted... N/A
660 ...with attachment... N/A
661 For your voice mail envelope, press one. For your voice mail envelope, say “Voice Mail”
or press one.
662 For your e-mail envelope, press two. For your e-mail envelope, say “E-mail” or
press two.
663 For your fax envelope, press three. For your fax envelope, say “Facsimile” or
press three.
664 For message filters, press six. For message filters, say “Filters” or press six.
665 For the message subject, press three. For the message subject, say “Subject” or
press three.
666 ...message subject... N/A
667 ...message filters... N/A
668 For the number of pages, press three. For the number of pages, say “Pages” or
press three.
669 You cannot turn all fax envelope options off. N/A
670 ...number of pages... N/A
671 You have no new voice mails. N/A
672 Fax scheduled for delivery. N/A
673 ...new voice mails. N/A
Table 43. Voice Prompts: Non-ASR and ASR (Continued)