Safety Requirement
Replace battery with model CR2032 only. Use of
another battery may present a risk of fire or explosion.
A model CR2032 battery can be purchased at your
local retail electronics supply source.
WARNING: Battery may explode if mistreated. Do
not recharge, disassemble or dispose
of in fire.
Familiarizing Yourself with Your DataSafe
Front Panel
The DataSafe NAS front panel has four LEDs. Three are
grouped together on the right side, one on the left.
The LEDs indicate the following:
n Far left LED (soft power switch). Solid LED
indicates power on. This LED will blink during
boot-up, and will also blink to indicate error
conditions (See Chapter 7 - Maintenance for alert
n Network Link 1 for LAN 1. Flashing indicates
network activity.
n Network Link 2 for LAN 2. Flashing indicates
network activity.
n Hard disk drive LED indicates read/write activity.