
DataSafe NAS User’s Manual 54
n Status — This column indicates whether or not the
user has exceeded the assigned quota limit.
Amount Used — This column indicates the
amount of disk space currently being used by a
given user.
n Quota Limit — This column indicates the
maximum amount of disk space that a user can
occupy on a volume.
How the DataSafe NAS behaves when this amount
is exceeded depends on the settings on the Vol-
ume Quotas property page. If the Deny disk
space to users exceeding quota limit option
is checked, the user will not be able to exceed this
limit. If the Log event when a user exceeds
their quota limit option is checked, an event log
message will be logged. If neither option is
checked, nothing will happen.
n Warning Level — This column indicates the
maximum amount of disk space that a particular
user can use before a warning appears indicating
that the quota has nearly been reached.
Note: A warning will only be generated if the user
exceeds the warning limit specified on the
Quota Management page AND if Log
event is checked on the Quota Entries
property page. If the Log event option is not
checked, no warning will be generated and
this column will remain empty. Typically the
Warning Limit value is set slightly below
the Quota Limit value.
Use the Object Selection table to select a user, then
click the task you want to perform from the Tasks list.