Index ï 189
Serial Port (RS-232C) 15
Serial port, malfunction 156
Setting Alarms 126
Settings tab 138, 144, 146
Settings, using 27
Short cuts, quick pad 67
Shutting down, troubleshooting
SIR IrDAcompliant
transceiver. See Infrared
port, description
Slide presentations
creating with Microsoft Pocket
PowerPoint 76
showing on VGA-compatible
monitors 76
SLIP (Serial Line Internet
Protocol) 89, 158, 159
SLIP (Serial Line Internet
Protocol) account 100
SMTP 101
SMTP host 90
Socket LP-E LAN card 106
Software drivers, installing 128
adding 126
adjusting 140
Stabilizer 14
Start menu, using 24
Stylus and Stylus slot 12
Stylus control panel 142
adjusting tap rates and distance
described 142
Stylus navigation tips 19
Suspend 140
SVGA 256-color 33
Sync cable 33, 35, 148
Synchronization 30
reducing data and time 46
Resolve Conflicts dialog box 46
resolving conflicts 46
with Active Sync 30
Synchronize command 37
data 44
e-mail messages 45, 47
files 45
from a remote location 47
Microsoft Pocket Outlook data
selected data 45
System control panel 142
System macros, overview 150
System tab 146
System values 150
Tables, creating 78
Taskbar, using 24
creating new tasks 63
overview 7, 63
viewing 67
Telephone cable 35
Telephone connector (RJ-11) 13
Telephone connector (RJ-11),
description 13
Telephone lines
access 89
clicking sounds on line 157
connecting for corporate
accounts 103
connecting to modems 95
Temperature moderation 153
Terminal 7
ToolTips, using 25
Touch screen
calibrating 21
troubleshooting diminished tap
accuracy 21
Transferring data
difficulties 159
Personal Information (PIM) 52
Transferring files 51
appointment data 55
phone book 56
Traveling with HP Jornada 148
ttf files 125
TTY terminal emulation 7
txt file 115
Unicode Text Document 132
Use Server-assigned IP Address
check box 50
Using the HP settings application