76 | HP Jornada 680/680e Users Guide
To start Pocket PowerPoint
1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to
Office, and tap Microsoft Pocket PowerPoint.
Double-tap the Microsoft Pocket PowerPoint icon on
the desktop.
To show a presentation
1. Using Windows CE Services, copy the presentation
from your desktop PC to your HP Jornada.
2. On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to
Office, and tap Microsoft Pocket PowerPoint.
3. In the Open Presentation dialog box, select the
presentation you want to show, and then tap OK.
4. To change the presentation display and slide-advance
options, on the Tools menu, tap Set Up Show.
5. To show the presentation, tap View Show on the
View menu. If you chose Manual under Presenta-
tion Display in step 4, use the Previous and Next
buttons to control the slides.
You can tailor a presentation by adding a new title slide to your presentation. To do so,
tap Title Slide on the Tools menu.
To show a slide presentation on a VGA-compatible
1. Insert an HP VGA out card into your HP Jornada,
and then connect the card to a monitor or projector
according to the instructions that came with the
2. Start PowerPoint, and open the presentation (see To
show a presentation earlier in this chapter).
3. On the Tools menu, tap Set Up Show.