]9 Care and Cleaning
Be sure all controls are OFF and all parts are cool before cleaning.
• To prevent staining or discoloration, clean appliance • If a part is removed, be sured it is correctly replaced.
after each use.
Cleaning Chart
Parts Cleaning Procedure
Never cover insert with aluminum foil as thisprevents thefat from draining to the pan below.
and Insert •Place soapy cloth over insertandpan;let soak to loosen soil.
• Wash in warm, soapy water.Use soap-filled souring pad to remove stubbornsoil.
• Broilerpan andinsertcan be cleaned in dishwasher.
• Wipe with a damp cloth. Dry thoroughly.
• Glass cleanersmay be usedif sprayedon a cloth first.Do NotSpray Directly On The Pan l
• Do not use other cleaning sprays, abrasive cleaners or large amounts of water on the panel.
• Wash with soap and water or mild liquid sprays anda soft cloth. Donotuseabrasivecleanersor
oven cleaners on plastic finishes.
• To prevent staining or discoloration, wipe up fat, grease or acid (tomato, lemon, vinegar, milk, fruit
juice, marinade) immediately with a drypaper towel or cloth.
• Wash with soap and water or glass cleaner. Avoid using excessive amounts of water which may
seep behind or under the glass.
• Do not use abrasive cleaners.
• Wash with soap and water, glass cleaners or mild liquid sprays. Avoid using excessive amounts
of water.
• Remove stubborn soils with nonabrasive cleaners such as Bon Ami* or a baking soda and water
paste; rinse and dry. Do not use abrasive cleaners.
• See pages 17and 18 for information on the self-clean oven.
• To remove occasional spillovers between cleanings, use a plastic soap-filled scouring pad;
rinse well.
: •Wipe up sugary spillovers and acid spillovers such as lemon juice, tomato sauce or milk-based
sauces. Porcelain enamel is acid resistant, not acid proof. The porcelain finish may discolor if acid
spills are not wiped up prior to a self-clean cycle.
• Rub with a sponge or cloth using one of the following cleaners: Bon-Ami*, Soft Scrub* or
Comet*. Rinse and dry.
• For hard to remove soils, use a dampened soap-filled scouring pad. Rinse and dry.
• Racks will permanently discolor and may not slide smoothly if left in the oven during a self-clean
operation. If this occurs, wipe the rack and embossed rack supports with a small amount of
vegetable oil to restore ease of movement, then wipe off excess oil.
• Brand names for cleaning products are registered trademarks of the respective manufacturers.