About Cleaning Products Oven Light
Becauseofthemanynewcleaningproductsintroducedinthe Before replacing light bulb, DISCONNECT POWER TO
marketplace each year, it is not possible to list all products OVEN. Be sure bulb is cool. Do not touch a hot bulb with a
that can be safely used to clean this appliance. Listed below damp cloth as the bulb may break.
are just a few examples of recommended products. To replace oven light:
REMEMBER, ALWAYS READ THE MANU- Use a dry potholder and very carefully unscrew bulb cover
FACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS to be sure the cleaner can and bulb. Replace with a 40 watt, oven-rated appliance bulb.
be safely used on this appliance. Bulb with a brass base is recommended to prevent fusing of
bulb into socket.
To determine if a cleaning product is safe, test a small Replace bulb cover and reconnect power to oven. Reset
inconspicuous area using a very light pressure to see if the clock.
surface may scratch or discolor. This is particularly impor-
tant forporcelain enamel, highly polished, shiny, painted, or
plastic surfaces. OveI1 Window
Thefollowingbrandsmayhelpyoutomakeanappropriate To protect the oven door window:
1. Do not use abrasive cleaning agents such as steel wool
• Glass Cleaners - Cinch, Glass Plus, Windex. scouringpads or powdered cleansers as they may scratch
the glass.
• Dishwashing Liquid Detergents - Dawn, Ivory, Joy. 2. Do nothit theglass with pots, pans, furniture,toys, or other
• Mild Liquid Spray Cleaners - Fantastik, Formula 409.
3. Do not close the oven door until the oven racks are in place.
• Multi-Surface Cleaners - Formula 409 Glass & Surface, Scratching, hitting, jarring or stressing the glass may weaken
Windex Glass & Surface. its structure causing an increased risk of breakage at a later
• Nonabrasive Cleaners - Bon Ami, paste of baking soda
and water.
• Mildly Abrasive Powder or Liquid Cleaners - Ajax,
Barkeepers Friend, Cameo, Soft Scrub, Smart Cleanser.
(Note: If the cleaner is recommended for use on plastic,
glass, or porcelain finishes, itcan be used on the same type
of appliance finish.)
• Nonabrasive or Seratchless Plastic or Nylon Scouring
Pads or Sponges - Chore Boy Plastic Cleaning Puff,
Scrunge Scrub Sponges, Scotch-Brite No Scratch Pads.
• Abrasive Scouring Pads - S.O.S., Brillo Steel Wool Soap,
Scotch-Brite Wool Soap Pads.
(Brand namesfor the above cleaning products are registered
trademarks of the respective manufacturers.)