Care and Cleaning
I Broiler Pan Never cover insert with aluminum foil as this prevents the fat from draining to the pan below.
l != -'Place soapyclothoverinsertandpa.,letsoaktoloosensoil
and • Wash in warm soapy water. Use soap filled scouring pad to remove stubborn soil.
• Broiler pan and insert can be cleaned in dishwasher.
• Allow burner to cool. Remove burner cap and wash in soapy water with a plastic scouring pad
or in the dishwasher. For stubborn soils, clean with a soap-filled, nonabrasive pad or Cooktop
Cleaning Creme (Part #20000001) and a sponge.
• For burned on soil, place burner cap on newspapers and spray with commercial oven cleaner.
Follow manufacturer's directions.
• distortCleangasholes.pOrtswith a straight pin especially the port below the ignitor. Do not enlarge or
• Be careful not to get water into burner ports.• When cleaning, use care to prevent damage to the ignitor. If the ignitor is soiled, wet or damageci
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Bulaler Grates ] • Wash grates with warm, soapy water and a nonabrasive, plastic scrubbing pad
: (porcelain on ; • For stubborn soils, clean with a soap-filled, nonabrasive pad or Cooktop Cleaning Creme (Part
east iron): :1 #20000001) and a sponge. If soil remains, reapply Cooktop Cleaning Creme, cover with a
/ damp paper towel and soak for 30 minutes. Scrub again, rinse and dry.
: / • For burned on soils, remove grates, place on newspapers and carefully spray with commercial over
[ cleaner. (Do not spray surrounding surfaces.) Place in plastic bags for several hours or overnight.
Weari.ng 7bber gloves.,remove from.bags: Tfsh,.rinse: dry and replace, o? cooktop.. .....
[ _karat Conlrol • To activate "Control Lockout" for cleaning, see page 7.
Pad Area : • Wipe with a damp cloth and dry.
7 • Glass cleaners may be used if sprayed on a cloth first. DO NOT spray directlyoncontrolpad
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| ; •Wash, rinse and dry. Do not use abrasive cleaning agents as they may scratch the finish.
[ : i.• Turn on each element lo.be sure the knobs have been co_ectly replaced.. .....
Porcelain enamel is glass fused on metal and may crack or chip with misuse. It is acid resistant,
not acid proof. All spillovers, especially acid or sugar spillovers, should be wiped up immediately
with a dry cloth.
• When cool, wash with soapy water, rinse and dry.
• Never wipe off a warm or hot surface with a damp cloth. This may cause cracking or chipping.
• Never use oven cleaners, abrasive or caustic cleaning agents on exterior finish of range.
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