Surface Cooking
Surface Controls
Automatic Oven Turn Off Option
The oven will automatically turn off after 12 hours, if you
accidentally leave it on. You can deactivate this feature, if
To Eliminate 12 Hour Turn Off
1. Press the Clock pad and hold for three seconds or until
"12" appears in the display. The indicator word TIME will
flash in the display.
2. Press any number pad until 8888 appears in the display.
Current time of day will reappear in the display after four Pilotless Ignition
To restore: Press the Clock pad and hold for three seconds Pilotless ignition eliminates the need for a constant standing
orunti18888 appears. Press "l " numberpad. "12" will appear pilot light. Each surface burner has a spark ignitor. When
briefly in the display followed by the current time of day. cleaning around the surface burner use care. If cleaning cloth
should catch the ignitor, it could damage it preventing igni-
Oven Temperature Adjustment Option Ifthesurfaceburnerdoesnotlight, checkifignitorisbroken,
soiled or wet. If clogged, clean the small port beneath the
Ifyou think the oven should behotter or cooler, you can adjust
it yourself. Todecide how much tochange the thermostat, set ignitor using straight pin.
the oven temperature 25°F higher or lower than the tempera- e_e _P
ture in yourrecipe, then bake. The results of the "test" should
give you an idea of how much to adjust the thermostat.
To adjust the thermostat: PoRts
1. Press the Bake pad. _ _-IaN_TOR
2. Enter 550° by pressing the number pads "5, 5, 0".
3. Press and hold the Bake pad for several seconds until 0°
appears in the display.
4. Press any number pad to change the temperature. Each Surface Control Knobs
time a pad is pressed, the temperature changes by 5°E
Use to turn on the surface burners. An
Press repeatedly to reach +35°F. Continue pressing to infinite choice of heat settings is available
reduce the temperature up to -35°F. from Lo to Hi. At the Hi setting a detent
5. When you have made the adjustment, press the Stop/Clear or notch may to felt. The knobs can be set
pad and the time of day will reappear in the display. The on or between any of the settings.
oven will now bake at the adjusted temperature. Graphics to the left of the knob identify which burner the
It is not necessary to readjust the oven temperature if there is knob controls. For example, the graphic below shows the
a power interruption. This adjustment will not affect broil or right rear burner location. _
clean temperatures.