1. Usethe three-prongedplugonlywitha groundingreceptacletoprovideprotectionfrom
electricalshock, Thisappliancemustbe installedin accordancewiththe installationand
groundinginstructionson page 4-5.
2. Unplugyourrefrigeratorbeforecleaningcondenser,replacingalightbulb,or makingany
repairs. Anyservicingshouldbe performedbya qualifiedtechnician.
3. In case of power failure, minimizedoor openings. If power failure is of long duration,
protectfrozenfood byplacingblocksof dry iceon top ofthe packages,orcheckwith a
local frozen foods locker plant about temporary storage. Frozen foods which have
l_hawedcompletelyshould not be refrozen.
4. Any electric service cord that becomes frayed or damaged should be immediately
repairedor replaced. Neverunplug yourapplianceby pulling on the powercord.
5. Your refrigeratorshould notbe operatedinthe presenceof explosivefumes.
6. Removethe doors from any out-of-use refrigeratorto prevent child entrapment and
7. Do not place fingers or hands on the automatic ice making mechanism while the
refrigeratorispluggedin.Thiswillhelpprotectyoufrompossibleinjury. Itwillalsoprevent
interferencewith movingpartsof the ejector mechanismandthe heatingelementthat
releasesthe cubes.