tt; Controls ._
9 is coldest [. 5 • [
Your new refrigeratorhas two controls. One
forregulatingthetemperaturein thefreshfood
compartment and one for the freezer. The
freshfood compartmentand thefreezercorn- Saves / %,ReducesExterior
parfmentcontrolsarelocatedatthetopfrontof Energy \ / _oisture
the fresh food compartment, Turn both con- I._3
trois to "No. 5"to startyour refrigerator.
The "No.g" freezer control setting is recom- I
mendedfor shortterm useonly. _ 9 is coldest
Your refrigerator may run for several hours when you first start it. This is normal and
shouldn'tbe causefor alarm.
Changingeithercontrolwill havesomeeffectonthe temperatureofthe othercompartment.
To start: Set fresh food control on "5".
Inadayortwo,youmaydecidethatone Setfreezercontrolon"5".
Turn fresh food control to
or bothcompartmentsshouldbe colder Refrigerator tooWARM: nexthighernumber.
orwarmer. Ifso,adjustthecontrol(s)as
instructedinthe accompanyingchart. Refrigerator too COLD: Turn fresh food control to
next lower number,
IMPORTANT: Except when starting, Turn treezef control to rtext
do notchangeeithercontrol morethan FreezertooWARM: hlFhernumber.
onenumberat a time. Allow24 hours Turnfreezercontroltonext
for temperatureto stabilizebefore re- FreezertooCOLD: lowernumber.
Refrigerator OFF: Set fresh food control to OFF.
Warm Cabinet Surfaces
At times,the frontsurfaces ofyour refrigeratorcabinetmaybe warm to thetouch. This isa
normalfunctionofyourrefrigerator. This featurepreventsmoisturefromcondensingonth_
outsideof yourrefrigeratorduringhumid weather. This condition may be noticeablewhen"-"
you first start your refrigerator,during hot weather, and during excessiveor lengthy door
Energy Saver Switch
The Energy Saver switch controls a heater designed to prevent moistureaccumulation
betweentherefrigeratorandfreezerdoorframe. Duringhumidweather,moisturecollectson
objects that are coolerthan the surroundingair. This condensationcan be eliminatedby
applyinga smallamountof heatto thesurface uponwhichthe water accumulates.
Whenthe EnergySaverswitchis on "SavesEnergy",no heatisappliedto thesurface. Itis
saving both energyand money. If humidityincreasesand condensationappears, turnthe
EnergySaverswitchto "ReducesExteriorMoisture". Besure toturntheEnergySaverswitch
back to "Saves Energy"asthe humiditydrops tosave energy.
Inareas ofrelatively highhumidity,theEnergy SaverSwitchinthe "ReducesExterior
Moisture"positionwill minimizeany collectionof moistureonthe outsidesurfaceof