Thetwo stagesofthis microwaveoven letyouprogramtwo sequentialoperationssuch
as defrostingandcooking;and cooking usingtwodifferent powerlevels. The Memory
featureautomaticallychangespowersettingsandcookingtime. Sinceoneshortaudible
beepwill soundbetween stages,it is also possibleto dividecookingtimes. Then,the
signalwouldserveas a reminderto addfoods (separatedishes oradd ingredients)and
to obtain preciselythe end results desired.
* Ifyou wish to cook on HI, skip step 2.
** If you wish to cook on HI, skip steps4 & 5.
Note: Whenthe Start Padis touched,bothStage 1 and 2 indicator lights come on in
the Display. Stage1 indicatorlightstarts blinkingto show youthat theoven is cooking
in the first of the two cook stages. Theoven will cookat the power selectedfor Stage
1. At the end of Stage1, theoven wilt beep and startStage2. The Stage 1 indioator
goesoff andtheStage2 indicatorstartsblinking. Threebeepssignaltheendofcooking.
To Cancel Stagecooking
1, TouchCancel/Off Pad,