A minimumof maintenanceis neededto keepthe microwaveovenclean and trouble
free. The ovenitselfshould becleaned after eachuse with adamp clothto keepit free
from greaseand soil buildup. Stubbornsoilscan be removedwith a plasticscrub pad.
thedoorisclosed,useonlymild,nonabrasivesoaps or detergentsappliedwithasponge
or soft cloth.
Someliquidcleanserscan removetheshinysurfaceon plasticorvinyl. Therefore,never
sprayorpourliquidcleansersdirectlyontoasurface. Sprayorpourcleanserontoacloth
or spongeand then clean.
Odorscan be eliminatedfrom the inside of theoven byboiling a solution ofone cupof
waterandseveraltablespoonsoflemonjuicein theovenfor 5-7 minutes.This alsohelps
loosen anydried soil in the oven. Be very careful not to scratchthe door and interior
surface. Wipeoff excess moisture after every use.
DONOT USEabrasive cleaners,oven cleaners,abrasive cleaningpadsor steelwool,
as they can scratch or dull oven surfaces.
DO NOT REMOVEOR INSERT KNIFE around the stirrer cover to clean, as it may
damagethe cover or affect the cooking performanceof your oven.
Washoven bottomwith hotsudsywater,rinseanddry. Donotuse excessiveamounts
of water when cleaningthe oven, especiallyaround the turntable. Donot allow water
or cleaningagents to seep intoturntable gears located underneath.
Allow to cool beforeremoving and cleaning. Wash in soapy water or dishwasher.
Clean frequently to prevent excessive noise. Washin soapywater or dishwasher.
This bulb is to be replacedby properlyqualified service personnel.