Number Pads
Use to set time or temperature.
Oven Light Pad (Control Panel)
The ovenlightautomaticallycomesonwheneverthe ovendoorisopened. When door
is closed,touchthe Oven Light Pad to turnoven lighton or off.
Display Window
Shows time of day, timer, and ovenfunctions.
Display Numbers:
• Showtime of day.
• Countdownof time remainingwhen usingtime functions.
• Showtemperatureof oven as it risesto reach programmedtemperatureand the
settemperatureonce it isreached.
• Recallprogrammedtemperatureor time whencommanded.
• Roundingof DisplayNumbers:Temperaturerangeis100° to 550°Fandcanbeset
10°. Forexample,if237° isentered,the controlwillroundthe temperatureto 240°.
• Serve asa remindertoshutovendoor,ifitisopen,for self-cleaningoperationwhen
the word, door, isdisplayed.
• "Err" willappear in the Displaywhen an impropertemperatureortime has been
entered. "Err"willflashanda beepwillbe heardthreetimes. Then, the Displaywill
returnto the previousDisplaybeforethe errorwas entered.
Indicator Words:
• Flashto promptnext step.
• Indicatestatusof programmedfunction.
• Show programmedfunctionwhen recalled.
Chimes vs. Beeps
• A chimesoundis used todesignatethe end of a timing or cookingoperation.
• A beepsoundis usedto designatean incorrectentry,doorisopenwhenset for a
self-clean,and a faultcode.
NOTE: To changethe ovento a 24 hourclockor Celsius(C) degrees,contactyour
authorized Jenn-Air service contractor or installer.